Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm about to pickup my rear fenders from the Greyhound depot.  I'm pretty excited to see if they are worth the price I paid.  Along the way I'll stop at the paint shop to do some research on paints to run through my new paint guns, and maybe pick a color scheme.  I've thrown in some photos of what I've been up to lately.
 Draining the radiator in preparation to remove it.  The bottom of the support is held together with sheet metal and screws.  I bought a replacement on ebay, and will be getting new hoses.  The radiator will get sent out for repairs.
 Someone pop riveted sheet metal on the door bottoms and bottom outsides to patch it.  I don't know if you can see that in the photo. I plan on stripping them this weekend to see what I'm up for.  Horizontal arrows point out rivets, vertical arrow points out where the sheet metal patch ends.
 De-rusting some ebay special parts in Evapo-Rust.
The truck as purchased.  It's still mostly the same, with a few parts taken off here and there.

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